Akemi Cosmetics Manufacturing
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Akemi Cosmetics Manufacturing

Akemi by DD.NYC® is a luxury cosmetics brand that combines the latest in beauty technology with the finest natural ingredients. Designed with the Japanese concept of minimalism in mind, Akemi’s branding is simple, yet elegant. With innovative packaging and a focus on sustainability, Akemi by DD.NYC® delivers a high-end beauty experience that is both sophisticated and luxurious.

  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Collateral
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Packaging Design
Akemi Cosmetics by DD.NYC®: Innovative sustainability-driven cosmetics lab and manufacturing.
DD.NYC® has helped the Akemi Cosmetics brand meet high-end demands of its clients and reach the next level of recognition.
Image for logo animation

DD.NYC® incorporated the concept of Japanese minimalism for this cosmetics brand. Grounded
in traditional Japanese aesthetics and philosophy,
this design philosophy highlights simplicity, clarity, and a profound appreciation for space.

The goal is to convey a message or idea with the utmost simplicity and elegance. This simplicity extends to color palettes, with a preference for neutral tones. The use of clean and minimalistic typography on the combination of two fonts helps to complement the visuals and brand logo.

The Akemi Cosmetics brand complies
with both sustainability standards and current trends in design and marketing sphere.

The results of the branding design for the Akemi Cosmetics brand by DD.NYC® reflect a seamless blend of minimalistic aesthetics and sustainability. This approach translates into a high-end beauty experience, where simplicity meets luxury, creating a visually captivating and environmentally conscious brand identity.

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